September 2018 | Crafting Connections
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Recognizing and Correcting Sentence Fragments and Run-ons

Thursday, September 13, 2018
Teaching students to recognize fragments and run-ons in their writing can be difficult.  This blog post features a few tips and a FREE writing minilesson for upper elementary classrooms!

Being able to write a complete sentence is the foundation upon which all writing skills are built. It sounds simple enough, right? As we teachers know, however, some students struggle with forming a complete sentence, even in the upper elementary grades. If they make it too short and omit the all-important subject, they're left with a fragment. If they string too many ideas together and make it too long, they're left with a run-on sentence. To quote Goldilocks, it needs to be "just right". Today I'm going to share a couple tips with you that you can use as you teach your students how to recognize and revise fragments and run-on sentences.

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