Growth vs. Fixed Mindsets... A FREE Sorting Activity! | Crafting Connections

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      Growth vs. Fixed Mindsets... A FREE Sorting Activity!

      Wednesday, July 27, 2016
      Hello, Friends!

      I have spoken with several teachers who have shared how they started the last school year with teaching the fundamentals of growth mindset, and how it positively and profoundly affected their classroom climate last year. I’ve talked to even more teachers who plan to start with this approach this year. I even watched my own daughters blossom last year after a teacher they shared spent several days focusing on the importance of having a growth mindset. Therefore, when a teacher asked me to create a Growth Mindset PowerPoint a few months ago (that she could use to introduce the concept at the beginning of this upcoming school year), I immediately thought, Genius! Why didn't I think of that myself?

      After creating the PowerPoint, I thought I was done… until, during a recent loooooong road trip, I was inspired to create some growth mindset stations, and make them available for free to my blog readers. 

      The station I have shared below is simply a sort. Students cut out a statement, read it, and determine whether it is a statement made by a person who has a fixed mindset or a person who has a growth mindset.
      Help students differentiate between growth mindset statements and fixed mindset statements with this FREE learning center!

      Help students differentiate between growth mindset statements and fixed mindset statements with this FREE sorting activity!

      Click HERE to download these free printables. Then, hop on over to Upper Elementary Snapshots, where I wrote an accompanying blog post. You’ll find FOUR MORE FREE STATIONS there that you can download!
      Foster growth mindsets within your students this year with these four FREE learning centers!

      Also, feel free to check out my PowerPoint and partner plays- just click on the images below. These stations would be an excellent followup activity after working through the PowerPoint with your students.

      Growth Mindset PowerPoint and worksheets. This file includes directions on how to split this PowerPoint into a 5-day mini-unit... perfect for back-to-school time. Five growth mindset worksheets are also included!

      Growth Mindset Partner Plays- 5 scripts students can read with a partner to improve fluency. This set focuses on growth mindset concepts and includes a free worksheet that students can complete after reading each script!


      1. Thank you so much! This is awesome. I just love your stuff. I always check your store first whenever I need high quality, kid-friendly resources. You da best!

      2. Thank you for the free downloads. I think this is a great way to start the year. Looking forward to sharing it will my kids.

      3. Thanks so much for sharing these. I started using materials that helped explain the Growth Mindset to my third graders last year and am thankful to have more resources to add!

      4. I loved both of your posts on Growth Mindset, Deb! Thank you so much for sharing!!! :)

      5. Thank you for generously sharing these great resources for fostering the Growth Mindset in students!

      6. This is terrific! You always have so many wonderful ideas; thanks, Deb!! I can't wait to use this with my class this year!

      7. I am working through your PowerPoint right now with my class and they are enjoying Dane the Brain! I will definitely be trying your stations. Thank you.


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